Tuesday, February 28, 2017


A lot of this is me putting on a show
But honestly deep down - it's in the depths of my soul
I don't care - go ahead an stare
Now I lay me down to sleep - I pray the lord my soul to keep

I'm suffering from a gender identification malfunction
God made me this way
Freak show - mutant - abomination - sinner
I need to pray


Forgive me if I'm not politically correct
I still stand tall proud and erect
I still deserve respect
I'll shout it from the death zone of Everest

I often feel androgynous
shout it from the top of Mt Everest
Anomalous - Harmonious
Unisex - Androgynous


I don't support the liberal agenda
But I don't support hate of any kind
I no longer support left wing celebrities
Or a biased corporate owned media

Equal rights for everyone
But still free to express opposing opinions
With that being said - you don't have to accept me
But you also not gonna disrespect me


Mascara - eye shadow - fake eyelashes and lipstick
Constant war between the masculine and feminine
Maybe it's a sin but I just can't stop myself
Overwhelming desire - quench my thirst with Loreal

Fight the urge for camouflage
A can of bear then beat the wife
Instead give me a compact mirror
Powder my nose - it's my life

No interest - in football games
Bangin' chicks - to me that's lame
Give me a makeup stand
Don't have to prove that I'm a man

Curling iron and much hairspray
I wonder who I'll be today
Covergirl and Moisturewhip
Marilyn Monroe with a dick

God almighty up above
I give to you my soul to keep
Just let me be androgynous
I can't stop - I'm in too deep


I'm on the death zone - I'll shine from this highest peak
Don't want a jockstrap or a pickup truck
I love Sephora and I don't give a fuck


From the Jonsona album - Trollop
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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